A busy life does not mean a satisfying life, or one even aligned with your values. It’s easy to not reflect on what matters to you, or the contributions you want to make to others, if you let distractions and your inner saboteur keep you in the same patterns and world view.

What would your life feel like if you slowed down and deeply considered – and lived – a life aligned with your values and life purpose? Have you ever met or witnessed someone truly alive with his or her purpose? There’s a different energy to their presence, and to the way you interact with them.

James Flaherty of New Ventures West wrote an intriguing article about life purpose shown below. It’s provocative because it challenges you to think beyond the typical coaching questions by asking if you might actually be on the planet for a particular reason. In other words, what if you are here for a very specific purpose, unique in the world, and therefore uniquely powerful to others….if you can tap into that purpose, and your values, and bring those alive through mindful action.

“Just this week I read a quote from Carl Jung that shifted my way of understanding him—and brought fresh clarity to understanding people.

First, a little context: Jung’s central commitment was to the development of people and not to their individual happiness. He thought each person was called to a particular destiny, and he did his best to have clients step into that and not be caught up in anything else. In fact, he considered neurosis to be what we distract ourselves with instead of facing into our destiny and all the accompanying existential questions around death, meaning and belonging. (You can read more about this in James Hollis’s Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places [Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts]).

Jung didn’t feel that he could best understand people by looking into their past, but instead asked this question: “what is the necessary task which the patient will not accomplish?” He discovered that if he could find out what the patient was avoiding, he could understand all their suffering and dysfunctional actions.

So, I now have a new way of listening into the life of a client. Listening for the undone/avoided task lets me organize all that s/he brings to early conversations around a central topic. It provides a through line—a powerful undergirding of meaning. Much more important than knowing specific details (e.g. “exactly what city in Iowa where you in when you where 10?”) is uncovering—discovering—the client’s central life task, calling, destiny.

And let’s keep asking ourselves Jung’s penetrating question. In big ways (my whole life) and in small ways (this morning), what necessary task am I avoiding?”

Adaptive Talent is a talent consultancy designed to help organizations achieve amazing results and ongoing adaptability. Founded in 2008 and based in Vancouver, Canada we offer retained search, assessments, total rewards consulting, training, leadership coaching and development programs, and culture & organizational development consulting.