A daily mantra might be of interest to you if you want an easy way to reconnect with your purpose, values, and well wishes for others. I’ll share mine below which is inspired by the Wheel of Awareness meditation created by Dr. Dan Siegel. I repeat this to myself when I wake up as a way to help me orient to who I aim to be for myself and others, or before I begin my meditation, and/or whenever I want to intentionally embody and co-create something emotionally with others (for example, at home after a long commute before I enter the house and interact with my family, or before a key meeting with colleagues).

I am not perfect and skip days, but I find it very grounding and inspiring when I do practice. You can create your own mash-up of purpose, values, intentions, whatever it is you wish to manifest. The more we learn about quantum mechanics and the power of intention, the more I realize that we have incredible powers to manifest / create as individuals and people.

May I and all living beings be radiant rainbows transforming our world by

loving and feeling loved,

being present, appreciative, and accepting,

being playful and happy,

safe and healthy,

always growing our capacity and consciousness, and supporting others to do the same,

and may we live a life of well being, responsibility, and service to others.

I created my life purpose statement in 2012 during my coach training, and I chose to also include my three values: I am a radiant rainbow transforming our world through love, play, and growth. There’s a lot of backstory about why that metaphor made sense to me then, and even today I still like it. When I got exposed to loving kindness meditations and learned more about quantum mechanics I found it comforting to make my mantra about me and every other living being too, and I try and envision an energetic connection to all living beings as a say it. Reach out to us if you’d like to clarify your personal values, purpose, and leadership capacity to create results that matter.

Adaptive Talent is a talent consultancy designed to help organizations achieve amazing results and ongoing adaptability. Founded in 2008 and based in Vancouver, Canada we offer retained and executive search, assessments, total rewards consulting, training, leadership coaching and development programs, and culture & organizational development consulting.