The Social Organization and Success

The Social Organization and Success

I am 100% convinced that social media has the potential to transform the very nature of how organizations create value. When I say social media, I’m including both the consumer platforms like Facebook but also corporate platforms like Jive that facilitate...
What Is A Data Scientist

What Is A Data Scientist

Author’s 2021 update: This post was written in 2011 earlier in the data-driven nature of business. It’s remarkable to read it now and reflect how profoundly we’ve advanced in our use and misuse of data and machine learning. Our society is generating...
Top 10 Dumbest Things Recruiters Do

Top 10 Dumbest Things Recruiters Do

Dr. John Sullivan has another smart post about the top ten worst things recruiters can do, and I’ve seen all of them. I’ve reposted below for your convenience: “Top Mistake: Not managing the candidate experience — the candidate experience is the...