Video: CEOs Describe Culture Themselves

Video: CEOs Describe Culture Themselves

I like this video from Sean-Delaney because it helps explain why culture is important and why you need to start thinking and working on your culture from the very beginning. “ING Direct CEO Arkadi Kuhlmann, discusses how culture can and should be created by...
Is Your Organization Fit For Heretics?

Is Your Organization Fit For Heretics?

I recommend reading this article from the Management Innovation exchange on nurturing your culture to support and encourage people to do what’s right for the organization even if that means bending a few rules here and there.   “In her years making...
The Social Organization and Success

The Social Organization and Success

I am 100% convinced that social media has the potential to transform the very nature of how organizations create value. When I say social media, I’m including both the consumer platforms like Facebook but also corporate platforms like Jive that facilitate...