I fully agree with this Forbes article, and see massive opportunities for organizations to radically improve the connection with stakeholders by rethinking the concept of internal versus external. Many of us grew up in an era of paper and (literally) confidential stamps, file folders, and the like, all of which were tangible, difficult to share, and contributed to slowness and this concept of us versus them (anyone not in the building..).
First email, then telecommuting, mobile, and now social, and you can see the organizational walls becoming more and more permeable. Venture funding and entrepreneurial support are efficient and commonplace, and the tech required to get a new internet based business is very accessible and scalable. Instead of competing against an entrenched power with “greater” resources we are seeing the tables turned and those giants having to chase the new players who can now more nimbly disrupt the old paradigms (think Square and mobile commerce; the banks and carriers are sweating it right now).
Leaders are acknowledging the absolute importance of talent quality and engagement. The “ah ha” moment for senior folks is that leveraging the new tools actually makes your job easier because the wisdom truly is in the crowds. Tapping into that dialogue in an authentic, credible, and meaningful way to the core of your organization’s operations, opens up huge ways to improve financial results, dramatically create and deliver killer products and services, and deepen the relationship you have with those folks.
HR leaders also know – for better or worse – that online reputations spread quickly and are often inaccurate. Long gone are the days where you can put up your careers page and forget about it because everyday someone, whether an employee, customer, or partner, is contributing to the online reputation. I’ve always been interested in knowledge management and with the new tools and younger workforce’s perspective this sharing and connectedness – and nimbleness – just opens up so many possibilities for engagement, accountability, and higher productivity and quality. It’s quite the ride, and a great time to be a leader.
Author’s 2021 update: I now view social media, in particular the algorithms that fuel our destructive echo chambers and cancel culture, as highly destructive forces in society. Yes, I love dog videos and pictures of my nieces and nephews and video chats as much as anyone else and am very grateful for the technology and the innovations the net has enabled, but it’s exposed how easily manipulated humans are, and the forces that are intent on power and control. The us versus them false narrative is terrible and it will take all of to step up and educate ourselves further, to be more curious than normal, to hold our opinions more tentatively, and to really engage with others for progress.
Photo credit: Daria Nepriakhina

Adaptive Talent is a talent consultancy designed to help organizations achieve amazing results and ongoing adaptability. Founded in 2008 and based in Vancouver, Canada we offer retained search, assessments, total rewards consulting, training, leadership coaching and development programs, and culture & organizational development consulting.