by Brad Herbert | Jul 13, 2010 | Development
J. Keith Dunbar recently wrote: “The world is more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) that it ever has been…and continues to speed down that path. Future leaders that will adapt and use agility in the VUCA world will be worth their weight in...
by Brad Herbert | Jun 5, 2010 | Development
I chuckled when I read Seth Godin’s blog regarding people using lots of words but not actually saying anything. Leaders often use lots of words with strategy plans because they can’t boil down all the activities into a few overarching, coherent activities...
by Brad Herbert | Apr 30, 2010 | Development
I’ve been having a good time lately helping out many different types of clients and one unexpected benefit is the experience of seeing similar patterns when I compare and contrast organizations. Two come to mind that I wanted to touch one as a way of helping...
by Brad Herbert | Apr 6, 2010 | Development
My colleague Brian Fraser of Jazzthink just sent me his excellent article on change and I wanted to share it in its entirety (below) with my network. Brian is an outstanding coach, change agent, and jazz musician who leverages the lessons of jazz into his people and...
by Brad Herbert | Mar 28, 2010 | Development, Recruitment
Interesting article from TechCrunch about India’s corporate educational approach and how they’re successfully using standard approaches to get strong results. As any person in a tech company will tell you, getting support from top management for thorough...
by Brad Herbert | Mar 20, 2010 | Development
Great article from TechCrunch guest author Vivek Widhwa on how to integrate ethical behaviour into the core fabric of your organization’s culture. He notes that without it happening at the very beginning, modelled by the executives (especially the CEO), and...