Growing A Healthy, Winning Organization

Growing A Healthy, Winning Organization

Author’s note: This post was written in 2009. It’s an early attempt at articulating the elements to include in an organizational framework. This evolved into the Adaptive Flow model. Growing an organization successfully is a really tough thing to do. You...
Evolving Business Models

Evolving Business Models

I enjoyed Seth Godin’s thoughts on how business models are evolving. I see this with many of my clients and hear the stress in leaders’ voices. Although it’s fantastic that we can do so many new things and reach so many new customers, it also means...
Leading In Boom and Bust Cycles

Leading In Boom and Bust Cycles

Here’s an interesting article by Pankaj Ghemawat in the MIT Sloan Management Review discussing how managers can balance the financial risk of investing with the competitive risk of not investing during an economic downturn. Some key findings: The competitive...
Jung At Heart: Thoughts On Turning 41

Jung At Heart: Thoughts On Turning 41

I turned 41 today and wanted to share some thoughts on life, aging, and family using the philosophy of Carl Jung as a metaphor. Bear with me – it’s only slightly geeky. Jung believed people have two primary mental functions: taking information in and...