by Brad Herbert | Nov 28, 2011 | Development
Author’s 2021 update: This post was written in 2011 earlier in the data-driven nature of business. It’s remarkable to read it now and reflect how profoundly we’ve advanced in our use and misuse of data and machine learning. Our society is generating...
by Brad Herbert | Nov 22, 2011 | Development
LeaderPoint’s Mike Ladden helped Electronic Arts with our leadership development efforts and just published a great post on some interesting cognitive research that leaders should consider as they recruit and develop their teams, and develop their own skills as...
by Brad Herbert | Nov 22, 2011 | Development
Gary Hamel pens a really interesting overview of Morning Star’s approach to leadership and management in this month’s HBR. I recommend reading it if you are interested in employee engagement, organizational health, and productivity. Author’s...
by Brad Herbert | Nov 15, 2011 | Development
One of the techniques I use when coaching people is to help them visualize their personal and professional legacy later in their life. Creating a narrative of your contributions to others up to the present moment, and then imagining your “future self”...
by Brad Herbert | Nov 15, 2011 | Development
Author’s 2021 update: This post was written in 2011 and since that time my opinion on this topic has changed from “tell them” to something more nuanced. I feel the binary designation of high-po OR not-high-po is an unhelpful polarity. People are...
by Brad Herbert | Nov 10, 2011 | Development
In an earlier post I talked about developing 21st century leaders via a comprehensive approach to leadership development. Getting to that point takes vision, commitment from senior leaders, involvement from the entire team, and resources to properly support an...