Don’t F*ck Up The Culture

Don’t F*ck Up The Culture

Brian Chesky, Co-Founder of AirBnB, wrote a great piece on Medium recently entitled “Don’t Fuck Up the Culture” and I really love how he explains and celebrates the importance of culture.   According to Brian, “Culture is simply a shared...
Understanding the Science of Moods at Work

Understanding the Science of Moods at Work

The more researchers discover about our brain, the more we realize we are wired to be social and that – if anything – leaders are radically underestimating the impact on culture and results. Daniel Goleman blogged on LinkedIn recently how leaders’...
When You Feel Irritated With Your Partner

When You Feel Irritated With Your Partner

One of life’s great paradoxes is that the things that annoy us about others are often things we dislike about ourselves. The distance we create when we judge someone colours our perspective, preventing us from seeing the good in others or situations, limits our...
Amazon’s Leadership Principles

Amazon’s Leadership Principles

I am a corporate culture junkie, so I always enjoying encountering authentic expressions of how things really are. Sometimes that’s via a values statement, but sometimes it’s how companies express what a great leader believes and does.  A successful leader...