by Brad Herbert | May 2, 2012 | Development
Form follows function, and I believe the folks at Valve have done a stellar job explaining the cultural “how and why” around org design, product development, priorities, and company strengths and gaps. It’s a quick read and a great example of the...
by Brad Herbert | Apr 30, 2012 | Development, Recruitment
In part II of his ERE post, Dr. John Sullivan offers some solutions for “Great to Good Slide” companies. I’ve shortened the article to just the highlights so please visit ERE for the l article. Excellence matters, and technology advances so fast...
by Brad Herbert | Apr 30, 2012 | Development, Recruitment
Author’s 2021 update: This post was written in 2012 when Facebook and Google (and really social media in general) could do no wrong. Suffice it to say I no longer feel that way, but the points below are still interesting. — Dr. John Sullivan is a Professor...
by Brad Herbert | Mar 29, 2012 | Development, Recruitment
Knowledge @ Wharton has an interesting article on why external hires tend to be paid more, quit 18-20% more, and get worse performance evaluations than internal promotions. Given the shift towards external hiring versus internal promotions across all sizes of...
by Brad Herbert | Mar 28, 2012 | Development
The more I study and personally practice positive psychology the more I want to complain about why it took me so long to figure this out. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Seriously, why are we not teaching this to every kid in the world as something equally...